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This is only a page to provide an identity profile, for now.

Web-blague features under development. Have some placeholder entries.

Fiddly git tricks

Git. Let us enforce some simple rules. We always want merges to our main branch to be complete merge commits, with reference to the source branch, but we want to avoid such back into dev branches.

Remembering to always apply the proper --no-ff or --ff-only flags on the fly is, well, unreliable. Can we automate this?

All we need is a way to pick which behavior we want based on the active branch:

[includeIf "onbranch:main"]
[includeIf "onbranch:*-dev"]

And to define those behaviors:

	ff = no
	# pull uses merge, but should be able to do as it pleases
	ff = yes 

	ff = only

Welcome to my NAS

Documenting and ruminating on an effort to assemble a quiet, compact, expandable, and perhaps overly-capable converged storage server.

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